The Arrival of Esther was established April 7, 2015, in Memphis, TN. This corporation is a nonprofit organization under the guidelines of the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law of Tennessee for charitable purposes. The specific purpose for which the corporation is organized is: To Empower, Encourage and provide Economic outreach and self-help programs both naturally and inspirationally, on a community-based level. To bring Christ-centered healing and restoration to individuals and families enslaved by cycles of addiction, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Destructive Behaviors. We will provide a way of escape, breaking the chains of bondage and generational sins through grace, love, and forgiveness. Establish a community Service Center which will have Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Awareness, after school programs, and tutorial and educational enrichment programs for the residents in the community. Initiate youth development programs emphasize on academic enrichment, leadership development, crime prevention, conflict resolution, goal setting, mentorship programs and broadcast current affairs and Hot Topics.